Bishwash Neupane
“The global world is transitioning towards the hydrogen-based economy with the maturity of hydrogen technologies. Green hydrogen lab is an inception for the transition of Nepal into the hydrogen economy and hydrogen world.”
Bishwash Neupane has been involved in Green Hydrogen Lab since the establishment of the lab. He joined the lab as an undergraduate intern research assistant on 2nd August 2020 and now he worked as a full-time Research Assistant.
Major Responsibility at the Lab: Research activities based on the objectives of HFP Nepal projects
Research Area: Commercial application of green hydrogen as a transportation fuel in the context of Nepal.
- Research Asst. (February 2021-Janurary 2022)
- HFP- Nepal project, support overall project administration activities
- Full-time research for the development of demonstrative project for production of green hydrogen fuel and conduct tests for its commercial use in transportation sector of Nepal
- Co-supervise the ongoing undergraduate projects related to HFP-Nepal project
Research Area: Production, Storage, Distribution and Commercialization of Green Hydrogen as Transportation fuel in Nepal
Affiliated Projects/Programs:
- KU-NOC project (HFP- Nepal)
- Intern Research Asst. (August-Janurary 2021)
- Initiate research and academic activities in Green Hydrogen Lab, Kathmandu University
- Help in day to day administrative and academic activities in the lab
Research Area: ‘Possible end uses of Green Hydrogen in Context of Nepal’
Affiliated Projects:
- KU-KMOU Green Hydrogen Lab Project
- Green hydrogen potentials from surplus hydro energy in Nepal (