Sangam Bhandari

Intern RA

“Green hydrogen is emerging as a critical component in achieving energy transition and securing a long-term future.” Green hydrogen is an energy source for generating “hydrogen electricity” to power production processes, and raw material for making explosives and has the potential to play a big role in decarbonizing the mining industry.

Mr.Bhandari is a second-year student at the Department of Mechanical specialized in Energy technology Engineering, Kathmandu University. He joined the GHLab as an undergraduate Intern Research Assistant in September 2021.

Major Responsibility at the Lab: Study on the feasibility of hydrogen in mining and comparing the convectional and green hydrogen routes in mining.
Research Area: Possible end-use and feasibility of green hydrogen in the context of Nepal for Mining Industries.


  1. Intern Research Asst. (June 2024- Present)


  • Investigate sectors of the iron mining system where coal can be replaced with green hydrogen.
  • Analyze the feasibility of replacing fossil fuels with hydrogen in iron mining for energy and carbon emission abatement.                                    
  • Develop a systematic framework of mining with hydrogen as an energy source.