roshan parajuli

Roshan Parajuli​
Research Assistant (Alumni)​
Mechanical Engineer (Automobile)

“As fossil fuel reserves are depleting, alternative energy sources which can support the fossil-fuel demand are being researched and we have this opportunity to be the early adopters of hydrogen technology. Rather than always following along the trend of the technology, being in the field from the beginning will help Nepal to prosper and remain competitive in energy technology in coming days and I believe GHL will be a prominent contributor to the cause.”

An overview on hydrogen production from solar and wind power plants in Nepal

The study presents the potential of hydrogen production from solar energy in Nepal. A case study of Kathmandu University has been taken to illustrate the amount of hydrogen production from the solar panels installed in the university premises. It is seen that an alkaline electrolyzer of 15 kW capacity can be used to operate a 50 kW fuel cell and meet the peak load demands. It is seen that the fuel cell could operate at full capacity for 40 minutes per day for 300 days in a year. It is also seen that the electrolyzer could utilize the grid electricity to operate at full capacity thereby increasing the amount of hydrogen production.