Hydrogen gas can be used in numerous way like as an energy storage system or for manufacturing  other useful chemicals like fertilizers. But hydrogen gas mostly exists in its compound state like  water, methane etc. hence it needs to be separated to get pure hydrogen gas. Although there are  numerous ways of producing hydrogen gas, in this mini project hydrogen is produced by the  process of electrolysis as electrolysis is generally easy to perform at home and hydrogen can be  produce from renewable source of energy (grid electricity). In this project two model of  electrolyzer are build and tested. Model 1 electrolyzer didn’t perform well, model 2 electrolyzer  was run for 1 hours, with 4 amperes of current passing through it. Theoretically it was calculated  that 1.79 liters of hydrogen gas was generated on running electrolyzer for 1 hours. Experimentally it was observed that the volume of hydrogen generated was roughly 1.5 liters (half filled in 3 liters  plastic bag). The concentration of electrolyte used in this process was 1 N NaOH solution. 

Keyword: Hydrogen, Electrolyzer, Electrolyte