Aavash Neupane

Aavash Neupane

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Intern Research Assistant

“Green hydrogen, produced from renewable sources like hydropower, holds massive potential for Nepal’s development goals. For transportation, hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) offer a clean alternative to traditional fossil fuel vehicles, particularly for long-distance routes or heavy-duty applications where battery electric vehicles (BEVs) may struggle with range limitations. In re-electrification, hydrogen can be stored and converted back to electricity during peak demand periods, smoothing out the variability of hydropower generation and ensuring a stable, clean energy supply for Nepal’s growing needs.” 

Mr. Neupane is an undergraduate student at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He joined GHLab as an Intern Research Assistant in August 2023. 

Research Area: Transportation, Re-electrification


  1. Intern Research Assistant (August 2023-Present)


  1.  Assistance in operation of Hydrogen Refueling Station.
  2. Research in Re-electrification process.